

Our innovative, project-based Future Pathways programme for students aged 11-14 (Years 7-9) enables them to access activities outside the national curriculum that help them develop a sense of social responsibility.

Research by the Edge Foundation concludes that project-based learning delivers strong benefits to students and boosts personal growth in addition to academic achievement. The Future Pathways programme enables students to engage with Real World Learning projects with organisations across London.

Every two weeks, our usual timetable is compressed, and groups take part in either a visit outside school, a project-based learning activity or a community project. These activities are rotated so that all students participate in the full range of activities.

This programme promotes the development of skills for life and reinforces our school values of social justice, kindness and empathy, endeavour, and community.

Students take part in the Future Pathways programme as follows:

  • Year 7: Tuesday Week A
  • Year 8: Tuesday Week B
  • Year 9: Friday Week A

Students on school trips or offsite visits must bring their zip card and a packed lunch. Lunch will be provided for those eligible for free school meals.

Our Pathways partners: