
Exams are now underway, with GCSE, A level and BTEC students at South Bank Academy reaching the culmination of your courses. Exams are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and provide arguably the fairest and most robust way of judging learning and paving the way towards next steps.

Despite this, for many students the examination format is very pressurising and stressful. It is possible to manage the pressure so you arrive at the exam hall calm and ready to show what you know. Firstly, it pays to be organised. Put a schedule together with all your exams; create a daily timetable to plan what you need to study and what you should reasonably expect to achieve every day. Make sure you have your materials to hand including stationery. Secondly, it’s important to make the very best of your preparation time. Be realistic, and reflect on how you study best – do you find it best to write revision flashcards? Or voice notes? Mind maps? Some revision tips, memory hacks and motivation advice is here.

Regardless of how you prepare, take regular breaks, prioritise your sleep, minimise screen time and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Stay hydrated. Avoid high levels of sugar and caffeine before an exam. Your self-care during the examination period is really important. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed, let trusted friends and families know. Ask for help. Your teachers and Heads of Year are there to help you and are able to signpost additional support if you need it. Advice and guidance can be found online too – try the links below. Wishing you the very best of luck!